I have been so blessed by the girls' small group that meets here on Mondays. This week we had a brief Bible study and then spent some time thinking/praying about some questions to apply the story to our lives. It was great! And it is the back story to some more thinking and praying I want to post about, so here it goes:

We read Joshua 17:14-18
In which the people of Joseph want more land because they are numerous. Joshua says they can have more land, but they have to work for it, to clear forests and to fight armies.
It made me think that if you think you deserve/are ready for more, you might have to dig in and work harder for it.

We reflected on these four questions:

  • What areas of your life can you see room for more growth?
  • What are the obstacles in those areas?
  • Do you have any fears/hesitations toward those obstacles?
  • What is a concrete step you can take to "expand your inheritance"?

Read more http://movingwithgod.blogspot.com/2012/03/taking-new-land.html