Monthly Archive


Welcome to our Archives page. On this page you will find a total of 655 of our articles broken down into Months and Years.
Susan Davis

Quote #1753

"If you think you've blown God's plan for your life, rest in this: You, my beautiful friend, are not that powerful." - Lisa Bever read more..

Cybersalt News
Pastor Tim

Cybersalt News - August 23, 2018

Oh look, Chicken Thursday! I often try to share a chicken picture here on Chicken Thursday, but today I'm sharing a picture of a younger Grandma Cybersalt and the turkey she married 32 years ago toda... read more..

Pearly Gates Jokes
Pastor Tim

Six Days In Jail

An 80 year old woman was arrested for shoplifting. When she went before the judge he asked her, "What did you steal?" she replied, "A can of peaches." The judge asked her why she had stolen them and... read more..

Pearly Gates Jokes
Pastor Tim

Wings Away

A mother traveled 2,000 miles to be with her only son on the day he was to receive his Air Force wings and also get married. "It was wonderful," she said later. "It isn't every day that a mother watc... read more..

Pastor Tim

Lack of Empathy

A tourist on his way to Tuscaloosa came to a fork in the road and stopped. There was no sign indicating which route went where. Spotting a boy by the road, he yelled out, "Hey, kid, does it matter wh... read more..

Clean Jokes

Holding A Job

A young man was a very slow worker and subsequently found it difficult to hold down a job. After a visit to the employment office, he was offered work at the local zoo. When he arrived for his first... read more..

Susan Davis

One-liner #1311

Quantum mechanics: the dreams stuff is made of.... read more..

Susan Davis

Quote #1752

"Resolve to be tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant with the weak and wrong. Sometime in your life, yo will have been all of these." - Lloy read more..

Clean Puns
Susan Davis

Dots Rerun

"I'll have to telegraph him again," Tom said remorsefully. read more..

Cybersalt News
Pastor Tim

Cybersalt News - August 19, 2018

Sunday greetings everyone! If Rev. James Snyder had a dog, it's name wouldn't be "Lucky." That just the way it is with James and luck, but he's very OK with that. You can read, "If It Wasn’t for Bad ... read more..

God's Penman
Rev. James L. Snyder
4 min read

If It Wasn’t for Bad Luck

I am not the kind of person that dabbles in luck. [Knock on wood.] When something looks like a good gamble to me, I run from it as fast as I can. If it looks too good to be true, believe me, it probab... read more..

Pastor Tim

Life Change

Little Johnny had been misbehaving and was sent to his room. After a while, he emerged and informed his mother that he had thought it over and then said a prayer. "Fine," said the pleased mother... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Reap What You Sow

Early one evening a gentleman scuttled out to his garage and pulled the lawn furniture out onto the driveway. Shortly after followed the lawnmower, a few gardening tools and a bicycle. A curious neig... read more..

Susan Davis

Quote #1751

"For what is idolatry if not this: to worship the gifts in place of the Giver Himself?" - John Calvin read more..

Clean Puns
Susan Davis

Coal Keeper

"I must make the fire hotter!" Tom bellowed. read more..

Susan Davis

One-liner #1310

Monday is an awful way to spend 1/7th of your life.... read more..

Cybersalt News
Pastor Tim

Cybersalt News - August 16, 2018

Oh look, Chicken Thursday! I hope something wonderful hatches for you today. Enjoy the rest of today's mailing!  ~ Pastor Tim... read more..

Clean Puns
Susan Davis

Don't Look Back

"My steering wheel won't turn," Tom said straightforwardly. read more..

Pearly Gates Jokes
Pastor Tim

Golfing Help

"How was your game, dear?" asked Jack's wife Tracy. "Well, I was hitting pretty well, but my eyesight's gotten so bad I couldn't see where the ball went," he answered. "But you're 75 years old, Jack read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Deputy Goober

If you are wondering what a Goober is, there is a picture of one at:   The local sheriff was looking for a deputy, so Go... read more..

Pastor Tim


Being a teenager and getting a tattoo seem to go hand in hand. I wasn't surprised when a friend of my daughter showed me a Japanese symbol on her hip. "Please don't tell my parents," she begged. "I ... read more..

Susan Davis

Quote #1750

"Holding a grudge against someone means you think you know what they deserve and you take it upon yourself to give it to them." - Tim Keller read more..

Susan Davis

One-liner #1309

Always try to be modest ... and be proud of it!... read more..

Cybersalt News
Pastor Tim

Cybersalt News - August 12, 2018

Sunday greetings everyone! If Rev. James Snyder had a dog, it's name wouldn't be "Lucky." That just the way it is with James and luck, but he's very OK with that. You can read, "If It Wasn’t for Bad ... read more..

God's Penman
Rev. James L. Snyder
4 min read

Hallelujah, It IS a Scam

I know I am not the sharpest pencil in the drawer, or the brightest bulb on the porch, and a few bricks shy of a load. However, my philosophy is simple, if you know what you are not, then you can soon... read more..

Clean Puns
Susan Davis

Anger by the Numbers

I can't remember how to write 51, 6, and 500 in Roman numerals. I am LIVID!... read more..

Susan Davis

Quote #1749

"Kind words do not cost much. Yet they accomplish much." - Blaise Pascal read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim
2 min read

Martha's Way vs. My Way #2

Martha's way: If you accidentally over salt a dish while it's still cooking, drop in a peeled potato and it will absorb the excess salt for an instant "fix me up" My way: If you over salt a dish whil... read more..

Pastor Tim

Who Is This?

In chemistry, He turned water into wine.In biology, He was born without the normal conception.In physics, He disapproved the law of gravity when He ascended into heaven.In economics, He disapproved th... read more..

Susan Davis

One-liner #1308

Ever consider what dogs must think of us? I mean, here we come back from a grocery store with the most amazing haul - chicken, pork, half a cow. They must think we're the greatest hunters on earth! -... read more..