Monthly Archive


Welcome to our Archives page. On this page you will find a total of 675 of our articles broken down into Months and Years.
Cybersalt News
Pastor Tim

Cybersalt News - August 25, 2019

Sunday greetings everyone! Forty-eight years of marriage has taught Rev. James Snyder when to giggle and when to think of broccoli. You can learn more about how and why by reading "It’s Hard for Me t... read more..

Pastor Tim

Fear of Death

A sick man turned to his doctor, as he was preparing to leave the examination room and said, "Doctor, I am afraid to die. Tell me what lies on the other side." Very quietly, the doctor said, "I don't... read more..

God's Penman
Rev. James L. Snyder
4 min read

It’s Hard for Me to Conceal a Giggle

Throughout life, I have discovered many challenges. Some I have handled fairly well and others have handled me pretty badly. That is what makes life so interesting. Every day there is a challenge to ... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Strange Problem

A young man, fresh out of college, went to see his doctor one day. "Doc, there's something wrong with me. Every time I stand in a baby's high chair and face southwest, and then touch my tongue to a p... read more..

Susan Davis

Quote #1847

  "This is God's universe, and God does things His way. You may have a better way, but you don't have a universe." - Vernon McGee read more..

Susan Davis

One-Liner #1406

Self-Annihilating Description It's the sort of place you wouldn't think twice about passing without a second glance.... read more..

Clean Puns
Susan Davis

Get a Second Opinion

Before my surgery my anesthetist offered to knock me out with gas or a boat paddle. It was an ether/oar situation.... read more..

Pearly Gates Jokes
Pastor Tim

More Years to Come

Esther had a heart attack and was taken to hospital. While on the operating table she had a near death experience, during which she saw God and asked if this was the end for her. God said, "No" and e... read more..

Cybersalt News
Pastor Tim

Cybersalt News - August 22, 2019

Oh look, Chicken Thursday! All is quiet around Cybersalt World Headquarters. Summer is about to wind down, it looks like all our wonderful visits from company have happened and taken their place as c... read more..

Pastor Tim

One-Liner #1405

I will now predict an unanticipated result.... read more..

Pastor Tim

Quote #1846

"The reason the world is not seeing Jesus is that Christian people are not filled with Jesus. They are satisfied with attending meetings weekly, reading the Bible occasionally, and praying sometimes read more..

Clean Puns
Pastor Tim

Pass It Along

The Patron Saint of copying people into emails is St. Francis of a CC.... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Age Question

A college professor asked his class a question. "If Philadelphia is 100 miles from New York and Chicago is 1000 miles from Philadelphia and Los Angles is 2000 miles from Chicago, how old am I?" One ... read more..

Pastor Tim

Good Company

A married couple checked in at the Korean Air counter to pick up their tickets. As the smiling Korean woman processed their tickets, the wife asked, "Are these good seats?" "They are very good seats,... read more..

Cybersalt News
Pastor Tim

Cybersalt News - August 18, 2019

Sunday greetings everyone! This past week, I made another trip to Avatar Grove here on Vancouver Island. I thought I'd share a picture of myself with a different tree there. This is perhaps the large... read more..

Susan Davis

Quote #1845

"A lack of boundaries often invites a lack of respect." - Toby Mac #SpeakLife read more..

Clean Puns
Susan Davis

Are You Surprised?

Remember when plastic surgery was a taboo subject? Now you mention Botox and nobody raises an eyebrow.... read more..

Susan Davis

One-Liner #1404

Thinking is the last thing on my mind!... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Summer Camp

A counselor was helping his kids put their stuff away on their first morning in Summer Camp. He was surprised to see one of the youngsters had an umbrella. The counselor asked, "An umbrella?? Why di... read more..

Pastor Tim

Odd Facts

Q. What occurs more often in December than any other month? A. Conception. Q. What distinguishes "60 Minutes" on CBS from every other TV show? A. No theme song. Q. Half of all Americans live within ... read more..

God's Penman
Rev. James L. Snyder
4 min read

I Sure Do Miss St. Sanity

The Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage and me recently celebrated our 48th wedding anniversary. It sure does not seem we have been married that long. I guess, as you get older, according to my grandmo... read more..

Cybersalt News
Pastor Tim

Cybersalt News - August 15, 2019

Oh look, Chicken Thursday - wow, it's the middle of August all ready! Do you remember your 2019 New Year's resolutions? Yesterday I did a review of some of mine for my business. If you are interested... read more..

Pearly Gates Jokes
Pastor Tim

Pea Punishment

Rabbi Bloom caught two of his rabbinical students gambling and drinking on Sabbath. Next day, Rabbi Bloom called them into his office and asked them what was going on. They immediately confessed to ... read more..

Susan Davis

Quote #1844

God without man is God. Man without God is nothing. - unknown read more..

Susan Davis

One-liner #1403

She's genuinely bogus!... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim


A champion jockey is about to enter an important race on a new horse. The horse's trainer meets him before the race and says, "All you have to remember with this horse is that every time you approach ... read more..

Pastor Tim

Debt Freedom

The phone rang. It was a salesman from a mortgage refinance company. "Do you have a second mortgage on your home?" "No," I replied. "Would you like to consolidate all your debts?" "I really don't h... read more..

Clean Puns
Susan Davis

Avoid le Nemo

Don't eat the French fish ... it's poisson!... read more..

Cybersalt News
Pastor Tim

Cybersalt News - August 11, 2019

Sunday greetings everyone! Rev. James Snyder recently benefited from his wife's encouragement to look in a mirror and was reminded of an important truth we all need to remember. You can read "My Mir read more..

God's Penman
Rev. James L. Snyder
4 min read

My Mirror Doesn't Lie, But Sometimes It Giggles

I have never been fascinated by my looks, and I don’t think anybody else has either. Sometimes, however, I have to spend a little more time before the mirror to get prepared for where I am going... read more..