When one mentions vision, people automatically think of your eyes. Vision does have to do with the eyes, possibly, in more ways than one. For your every day vision, you need to keep your eyes tested against eye diseases that could render you blind, if not treated in time. Our eyes are one of our most prized possessions. Without them, you would not be able to see things around you- your family, the beautiful world the Lord has made, or to be able to read and write.

The vision I'm talking about, though, is the vision God has for His people. Many of us are wondering around, lost, unable to function like we should. We are like a leaf that just flutters in the wind, a blade of grass that grows a little, and then is cut down by the blade of a lawn mower. We never take root like the great oak tree. We don't become established like the Lord meant for us to do.

Many don't even realize there is a vision for the church people! For them, it's ?go to church on Sunday?, and wait until next Sunday to even open their Bible! They never get the Word down in their hearts and souls, therefore, wondering around without any ?protection? from the . . .

When one mentions vision, people automatically think of your eyes. Vision does have to do with the eyes, possibly, in more ways than one. For your every day vision, you need to keep your eyes tested against eye diseases that could render you blind, if not treated in time. Our eyes are one of our most prized possessions. Without them, you would not be able to see things around you- your family, the beautiful world the Lord has made, or to be able to read and write.

The vision I'm talking about, though, is the vision God has for His people. Many of us are wondering around, lost, unable to function like we should. We are like a leaf that just flutters in the wind, a blade of grass that grows a little, and then is cut down by the blade of a lawn mower. We never take root like the great oak tree. We don't become established like the Lord meant for us to do.

Many don't even realize there is a vision for the church people! For them, it's ?go to church on Sunday?, and wait until next Sunday to even open their Bible! They never get the Word down in their hearts and souls, therefore, wondering around without any ?protection? from the wiles of this world! They don't realize they are just jogging along in limbo, not even a thought of a vision for Christ.

We need a vision for the future in order not to get stuck in the present. We need our 'spiritual eyes? opened to what God would have us to do. Many churches have a vision of a growing church, and enlargement in the building, but there aren't many people seeking after the fulfillment of that vision. Sometimes, it's only a few who are truly open to change - change in the way things are done, in order not to become complacent in our Christian life. They aren't open to helping in the building process - whether it's growth in the church of people, or a larger facility. They can't 'see? change, so they don't try to help it come about through prayer.
Are you one of those with ?blurred vision?, or the lack of opened spiritual eyes? Seek God for change!

Proverbs 29:18 Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.

Habakkuk 2:2 And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.

Copyright 2005 by Barbara Sanders, Empire, AL. Used by permission.
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