Many of us face troubles throughout our lives. We are met with debts we cannot pay, family problems we cannot solve, sickness we sometimes cannot overcome, or prayers that seem never to be answered. We sometimes get desperate, get into fear, and lose our sense of perspective. Our mental view sometimes takes over when we should be resorting to the spiritual view.

Our problems are sometimes made worse by ourselves. My husband is one that can testify to that! He has had problems with his gall bladder for years, but, as the pain would subside each time, he would decide he didn't need to go to the doctor. Well, the time came three weeks ago when the pain would not let up, and he had to resort to the ER. Well, he didn't have to decide; the doctors decided for him, which resulted in a 10 day stay and surgery! But, thank goodness, they made the decision and kept him, because he is better off today than he was then. It could have been much worse!

But, our indecisions can get us into a heap of problems! Had he layed around here much longer, in the pain he was in, today might be a different day. We sometimes don't look at the long picture, when we deal with a given problem. We think a ?cure? today is what we need. His would have been ?pain medication? and being sent home, but he didn't . . .

Many of us face troubles throughout our lives. We are met with debts we cannot pay, family problems we cannot solve, sickness we sometimes cannot overcome, or prayers that seem never to be answered. We sometimes get desperate, get into fear, and lose our sense of perspective. Our mental view sometimes takes over when we should be resorting to the spiritual view.

Our problems are sometimes made worse by ourselves. My husband is one that can testify to that! He has had problems with his gall bladder for years, but, as the pain would subside each time, he would decide he didn't need to go to the doctor. Well, the time came three weeks ago when the pain would not let up, and he had to resort to the ER. Well, he didn't have to decide; the doctors decided for him, which resulted in a 10 day stay and surgery! But, thank goodness, they made the decision and kept him, because he is better off today than he was then. It could have been much worse!

But, our indecisions can get us into a heap of problems! Had he layed around here much longer, in the pain he was in, today might be a different day. We sometimes don't look at the long picture, when we deal with a given problem. We think a ?cure? today is what we need. His would have been ?pain medication? and being sent home, but he didn't make the choice, thank goodness!

We over-extend ourselves on credit, and then we get out of work and the bills mount up. We can't seem to get ahead without ?robbing Peter to pay Paul?. But, scripture says to ?owe no man anything, but to love one another?. (Romans 13:8) I think that really means to us - 'do not over-extend yourself - buy only what you can pay for?, and keep your monthly bills paid.

Fear and anxiety are our worse enemies, when we face these sort of problems. We get too anxious, when things don't work out the way we planned. And, we fear we can't do anything with what we have with which to work! Man, does the enemy feast on our FEARS! The wrong kind of fear leaves us in torment. The enemy knows this! But, perfect love casts out all doubt and fear! The only fear we need is to ?fear the Lord? .... and that is not a tormenting fear! I believe, when we reverence God and come humbly before Him, He will quieten our fears. Then, we are ?on the road to recovery?.

Copyright 2005 by Barbara Sanders, Empire, AL. Used by permission.
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Created at Barbara's Entourage:, "my humble abode".