Thursday is Thanksgiving, a time to give thanks for all those blessings we have received throughout the year. But, I digress. Remember all the things you (and I) have complained about during the year? Did we once stop to think that God may have allowed those things to come our way to see how we would react? What did we do? Complain! And, scripture says for us to 'in every thing give thanks'.

Oh, I know it's almost humanly impossible to give thanks in every thing. I know I haven't. But, when we become humble, God can bless us. When we become humble before the Lord, then he's able to act on our behalf.

Friday night our grandchildren's school football team had a very humbling experience, or so . . .

Thursday is Thanksgiving, a time to give thanks for all those blessings we have received throughout the year. But, I digress. Remember all the things you (and I) have complained about during the year? Did we once stop to think that God may have allowed those things to come our way to see how we would react? What did we do? Complain! And, scripture says for us to 'in every thing give thanks'.

Oh, I know it's almost humanly impossible to give thanks in every thing. I know I haven't. But, when we become humble, God can bless us. When we become humble before the Lord, then he's able to act on our behalf.

Friday night our grandchildren's school football team had a very humbling experience, or so I hope it was. Those boys had worked so hard to make their team the team that has won the most football games at that school in 50 years. Then, they've gone on to make it the most ever won! What an accomplishment, only to lose their thirteenth game tonight to a team that had lost two already. I felt so sick for those boys. But, they didn't play their game, and it told on them tonight. Too often we forget just who we are, and we lose out. Christians do the same thing - they don't 'play their game', so to speak and things turn sour. But, again, when we being to humble ourselves in the sight of Christ, he's able to work on our behalf and bring us back to where we were before.

So, on this Thanksgiving Day, let us remember to thank God for all those blessings He has sent to us, all those He would have sent, had we obeyed Him, and all those blessings He still has in store for us. God is a God of more than enough, and He is ready to share with all those who will honor and obey.

1 Thessalonians 5:18 - "In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."

James 4:10 - "Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up."

Psalms 68:19 - "Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation. Selah."

Copyright 2004 by Barbara Sanders, Empire, AL. Used by permission.
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