Here is an exercise program for those of us whose wisdom exceeds our ambition. The doctor told me "Physical exercise is good for you." I know that I should do it, but my body is out of shape, so I have worked out this easy daily program I can do anywhere. If I can do it, you can do this, too.


Beat around the bush.

Jump to conclusions.

Climb the walls.

Wade through paperwork.


Drag my heels.

Push my luck.

Make mountains out of molehills.

Hit the nail on the head.


Bend over backwards.

Jump on the bandwagon.

Balance the books.

Run around in circles.


Toot my own horn.

Climb the ladder of success.

Pull out the stops.

Add fuel to the fire.


Open a can of worms.

Put my foot in my mouth.

Start the ball rolling.

Go over the edge.


Pick up the pieces.