opossumThanks to Walter McLauren for this pun.

Once there was an opossum named Pogo, a philosophy enthusiast, particularly drawn to existentialism. He devoured works by Jean-Paul Sartre, the mind behind "Huis Clos" (No Exit), which later inspired the famous lyrics in "Hotel California" – "You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave."

Pogo, as we'll call him, had a peculiar aspiration: reincarnation. He yearned to shed his opossum form and return as something higher.

So, he dashed across the road, meeting his fate under the wheels of a truck.

However, much to his disbelief (he didn't have faith in Jesus like that old country singer Barry McGuire), when he awoke from his planned end, he remained an opossum. He had hoped for a raccoon, or something more.

Undeterred, he tried again and again, each time encountering a different type of vehicle but unfailingly reverting to his familiar opossum self.

Realizing this cycle was leading him nowhere, he decided to head to Nashville where he joined forces with Willie Nelson and contributed to the creation of Nelson's chart-topping hit, "On the Road Again."