Oh look, Chicken Thursday!

snail3Last Sunday I shared a zoomed in picture I took of a snail and when referring to the snail commented, "I spotted this tiny boy or girl snail (I'm sure someone out there can tell the difference so I'm covering my bases.)"

Well, apparently I didn't zoom in far enough (or maybe it was just because the water was cold) because Andr D. kindly emailed and let me know that snails are hermaphrodites. That means they need only look in a mirror when looking for a date.

However, I imagine being both genders is not all fun and games for snails. I wonder if snails:

  • come home at the end of the workday day wanting to just sit down and read the paper while still needing to talk about how their day was.
  • are forever internally conflicted wondering if they are being honest when they say that shell doesn't make their hips look wide.
  • endure silent car rides home after parties because they can't believe they said that harmless thing which is really no big deal anyway.
  • sit on a mall bench outside a store wondering why it's taking so long to buy some socks.

Of course, I am being ridiculous - as confirmed by the look on Grandma Cybersalt's face when I just read my first draft to her.

But really, why should I have all all the fun or get all the looks? If you have an idea why it's hard for snails to be hermaphrodites, just reply to this email and tell me and I'll share a collection of all the family-friendly submissions.

Speaking of the French (they do enjoy eating snails, you know) I just added a shopping cart to the site of a new client who sells a home school curriculum for learning French. He was having people email him to buy the course and ended up losing a lot of sales because they could not buy it right away when visiting. Anyway, since many of you are spending most of your time staying away from other people, maybe now is a good time to learn how to stay away from them in French! If that sounds interesting, check out the French Essentials website at:

Enjoy the rest of today's mailing! 

~ Pastor Tim