Sunday greetings everyone.

Why Miners Risk Their Lives To Get Sulfur From An Active VolcanoWe got to spend some time with our son this past week as he installed some baseboards at Cybersalt World Headquarters. You may remember that back in the fall he also did the flooring upstairs. Grandma Cybersalt and I thought we could do the baseboards ourselves, but we let wisdom prevail and asked him to do it.

He did a really great job! He really won the day in some tricky areas with some precise craftsmanship that I would never have been able to pull off. Susan is thrilled, which means I am doubly happy with the results!

Today's video share is about some workers who have an incredibly hard and dangerous job. It really puts many of life's hardships and trials in perspective - which is always an opportunity for gratefulness. Surviving day to day life is such a hard thing for so many people!
Click here to watch the video.

Enjoy the rest of today's mailing!

~ Pastor Tim