Oh look, Chicken Thursday!

There is lots of news about the Cybersalt.org ministry website today.

Davis Family Feb 2024First of all, it's ugly! OK, that may not be news, but I was reminded of this fact while doing some work on in it today. It is the proverbial "mechanic's car" in that I spend so much time working on others' websites that I end up neglecting my own. I will try to show it some love to make it look better.

Secondly, I have decided to remove Google ads from the Cybersalt.org site. For many years the revenue from Google ads on the pages were an encouraging and helpful source of extra income when I was the pastor of a small church that was neither growing in attendance nor finances. But That revenue has really dropped off in recent years and today I realized that a lot of the ads where only making the ugliness of the site uglier and hard to read. For some time now I have intended to replace them with promotions for services that I offer through my company (cybersalt.com) but until those are ready there will simply be less ads.

Finally, and most excitedly, The Cybersalt Digest and Cybersalt Ministry site are now featuring a new blog. I mentioned a few weeks ago the writings of a good friend of Grandma Cybersalt and mine were going to be appearing on the site and I am happy to point out that the first of Susan Page's devotionals is in today's mailing. For many years Susan Page has written devotionals for the National Prayer Guide of the Associated Gospel Churches of Canada where she serves as their Church Relations Coordinator / Health Benefits Manager. Susan is also a talented photographer, which can be seen by the photographs which adorn her articles.

In other news, our daughter, son-in-law and grandson flew home, yesterday, after a wonderful week long visit during which our entire family was able to be together a couple of times. On Sunday I told you I had hired a photographer friend to take some pictures. That turned out well because not only did it spare my family having to endure me trying to take all the pictures, but also Sunny Gill takes great family photos - as you can see from this proof I have authorized for early release! We are grateful to God that we could be together in one place and for all the memories we have of His faithfulness and care over us down through the years.

Today's video share answers a question I have wondered about for some time, but never could be bothered to find the answer for: "Why are there black dots around the outside of your car's windshield?"
You can watch the video here.

 Enjoy the rest of today's mailing.

~ Pastor Tim