1Oh look, Chicken Thursday!

Chicken Christmas Tree Topper

Yes, I know those are mountain sheep.

Back in November, I shared with you a dash cam picture from my travels during a business trip. That prompted Cybersaltine Raduoos to share this great one from his dash cam. He says it's from near his house in Central Washington. 

From this picture we can see he is driving a Mercedes, but there sure are a lot of Rams to dodge on the road too. In all I can count 16 sheep in this picture - at least that is what I reached before falling asleep.

As for other news, I did have something I thought was totally hilarious that I was going to share here but I ran it past Grandma Cybersalt who ranked it an "Ohhhhh, I don't know honey."

So literally, that's enough said!

Enjoy the rest of today's mailing.

~ Pastor Tim