clarinetOh look, Chicken Thursday!

In last Sunday's mailing, the video share was of an amazing Oboe performance - apparently not! It was an amazing performance, but the instrument being played was actually a clarinet. Thanks to G. Taylor and J. Westberg for catching that!

Now, if you are a recent subscriber, you may have wondered how I could be so dumb as to not know the difference between and oboe and a clarinet. If you are not a subscriber, you stopped wondering about me a long time ago and have stuck around simply out of morbid curiosity about what I will misidentify next!

To be fair, I first saw that video on Facebook, where it was described as an oboe performance. It's getting pretty bad when you can't even trust Facebook to be accurate!

Today's video share is fun race between some different animals. However, after this whole oboe/clarinet debacle, I'm not sure all of these are real animals. You be the judge.

Click here to watch the video.

~ Pastor Tim