Oh look, Chicken Thursday!

ss rubiks cube juggling recordWe finally got some really nice weather at Cybersalt World Headquarters after navigating a cooler than normal spring. Our front and back lawns are much greener than they usually would be at this time of year. The weeds in our lawn are also greener, which is making it much easier to find them and remove them by hand.

I suppose I could just poison them, but I am actually enjoying getting lost in the process of laying on the ground, moving along weed by weed in a grassy meditation under the summer sky. I try not to spend too much time out there because I don't want my neighbours to think I am nuttier than they already do, lol.

Speaking of meditation, today's video share is of a young man who looks like he is in a full blown trance - but don't worry he just has a lot on his mind and in his hands!  
Click here to watch.

~ Pastor Tim