Chicken Thursday November 4Oh look, Chicken Thursday!

Thank you for all of the birthday greetings and wishes last week. It was a pretty busy day with a lot of new flooring being installed by our son, but it was a good day too that ended with ice cream cake and family games. I am going to try and have another birthday next year - Lord willing!

Thank you also to S. Wiggle, G. Cook, C. Reynolds, D. F. Masters, and R. Baggett for pointing out that last week's "How to level Concrete" video share was the previous week's "Cat Shot From Tree" hidden camera video. I have corrected that link.
Click here to watch it.

Today is also Remembrance Day here in Canada. Thank you to all of you and your families who are serving, or have served, in the military. And of course, we remain grateful to and for all those who gave their lives for our freedom.

~ Pastor Tim