Oh look, Chicken Thursday!

There is often a chicken focus on Chicken Thursday but today I need to address a controversy which has arisen in the Cybersalt world. I'm talking about "beegate."

On Sunday I shared a picture I took of a bee on a sunflower in my backyard. However, Marvin P. emailed me and let me know that that was no bee, but rather it was "a syrphid fly (hover fly) to be exact." Then Andra D. emailed me and also pointed out that this was a fly and that it, like some other insects, was pretending to be a bee (or not a bee - that is the question) in order to deter potential predators.

Now, both Marvin and Andra were very kind in the way they corrected me so please, nobody rush out and burn their houses down. I know some of you are very protective of me but I'm OK.

I blame my parents for this whole mess. Obviously their telling me about the birds and the bees stopped well short of full disclosure. Sure, I got the part about a mommy and daddy having a special hug, but obviously they sent me out into the world on my own, ill-prepared for understanding important non-sexual aspects of it. I'm not bitter, though, because there are still things I haven't told them.

And don't worry, this mistake won't stop me from sharing pictures either. Here's one I took, earlier today, of a duck in a pond near our house.

Bee on Sunflower

Enjoy the rest of today's mailing! 

~ Pastor Tim