chicken thursday August 13Oh look, Chicken Thursday!

If you are subscribed to the Cybersalt Digest only, you may not realize that Chicken Thursday Cybersalt News updates also go to my PearlyGates list. That list features clean, theologically incorrect jokes. And if you are only subscribed to the PearlyGates list; vice-versa!

All this is to explain this special note to PearlyGates subscribers that there hasn't been a mailing for a couple of weeks because I had to redesign the newsletter template after a major upgrade to my newsletter sending system (the Cybersalt Digest got its new template this past Sunday.)

I am really happy with the results and am enjoying having this overdue upgrade off of my to do list. I spend so much time working on other's people's websites that my own sites are often neglected in the same way a mechanic ends up not working on his own car.

Enjoy the rest of today's mailing!

~ Pastor Tim