It may sound like someone has mailed you a new stereo system, but a stereogram is actually a 3 dimensional image you can see if you relax your eyes a certain way.

The first time I ever saw one of these was when I lived in Toronto.  I was walking along in the Sherway Centre and saw some art hanging in the window of one of those stores that features unique educational games and oddities.  All the picture looked like was a hanging of scribbles, but it was titled "Space Shuttle."  Next to it was a similar one called "Wolves."  I thought for sure someone had flipped their mind, but then I'm not that art minded so I figured "whatever." It wasn't until later on when someone gave me a book of stereograms that I realized it wasn't some kind of modern art that had me mystified in the mall.

I hesitate to present these here because inevitably someone will give up trying to see the "hidden" image and accuse me of messing with their minds.  I merely want to mess with your eyes.
