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[PearlyGates] Issue #0798

[PearlyGates] Issue #0798

The PearlyGates Newsletter

Featuring clean, theologically incorrect humor.

Issue #0798 

Today's Table of Contents

Cybersalt News - December 26, 2019

Christmas Chicken ThursdayOh look, Chicken Thursday!

Did you know the day after Christmas is Boxing Day here in Canada (also the UK, Australia, Trinidad and Tobago, New Zealand and maybe others)? Most Canadians, including myself, could not tell you the exact origin of this day but if you are interested in learning more check out this Wikipedia page:

Soon it will be time to put away your Christmas tree. Always wanting to be helpful, here is a helpful time saving tip! Check out "Christmas Tree Pack" at:

Enjoy the rest of today's mailing!

~ Pastor Tim

Here is today's PearlyGates item.

Minnesota Chill

winter iceThe temperature had taken an overnight plunge, and Minnesota reaffirmed its reputation as one of the nation's coldest states.

Despite a wind-chill of minus 40, the steelworkers erecting a TV tower in a Minneapolis, St. Paul suburb, showed up for work. By 9 A.M., a tall Texan climbed down from the tower and entered the office trailer. He took his lunch pail from the shelf and headed for the door.

"What's up?" the foreman asked. "You sick?"

"Nope," the Texan replied. "Goin' home to get my jacket."

"Where's home?" the foreman persisted.

"Dallas," he said.

20 billion thumb"Be a Billionaire"

and Help

Refugees and

Persecuted Christians

The PearlyGates list features material that Pastor Tim thinks is funny but would probably generate emotionally fueled feedback if sent to his other more general and family safe lists. He knows the jokes are theologically, politically, and/or socially incorrect and he’s OK with that. And yes, he would tell these jokes to his mother, his children and even his church in certain public speaking situations where he is called pastor for reasons other than the jokes he tells.

The PearlyGates Newsletter is a ministry of Pastor Tim and Cybersalt.

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