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[PearlyGates] Issue #0814

[PearlyGates] Issue #0814

The PearlyGates Newsletter

Featuring clean, theologically incorrect humor.

Issue #0814 

Cybersalt News - May 7, 2020

Oh look, Chicken Thursday!

Down through my life many people have wished I would cover my face when going out in public. Wish granted!

tim and susan masked

Grandma Cybersalt and I are very thankful to a friend of ours who sewed these masks for us. It seems odd to think about going out in public wearing them (our provincial medical doctor is still asking us to wait two more weeks before "doubling our bubble") but not as weird as risking the lives of others or ourselves.

Speaking of weird, I've noticed a very strange new type of person on my TV. People who claim to be pro-life while at the same time arguing for the sacrifice of the elderly and weaker members of society for their own gain and comfortable standard of living. Just imagine the thoughts of those who sacrificed their own lives in WW2, so their children could live long lives in peace, if you were to tell them a future generation would sacrifice those same children as seniors for a haircut and a hamburger.

Wash your hands, keep safe and enjoy the rest of today's mailing!

~ Pastor Tim

Here is today's PearlyGates item.

Deputy Application

magnifying glass 2"If you are wondering what a Goober is, there is a picture of one at:

The local sheriff was looking for a deputy, so a goober went in to try out for the job.  "Okay," the sheriff drawled, "what is 1 and 1?"  "Eleven," she replied.

The sheriff thought to himself, "That's not what I meant, but she's right."  Then he said, "What two days of the week start with the letter 'T'?"

The goober replied, "Today and tomorrow."  

He was again surprised that the goober supplied a correct answer that he had never thought of himself.

"Now, listen carefully: Who killed Abraham Lincoln?" asked the sheriff.

The goober looked a little surprised herself, then thought really hard for a minute and finally admitted, "I don't know."

"Well, why don't you go home and work on that one for a while?" said the sheriff.

So, the goober wandered over to the beauty parlor where her pals were waiting to hear the results of the interview.

The goober was exultant.  "It went great!  My first day on the job and I'm already working on a murder case!"

20 billion thumb"Be a Billionaire"

and Help

Refugees and

Persecuted Christians

The PearlyGates list features material that Pastor Tim thinks is funny but would probably generate emotionally fueled feedback if sent to his other more general and family safe lists. He knows the jokes are theologically, politically, and/or socially incorrect and he’s OK with that. And yes, he would tell these jokes to his mother, his children and even his church in certain public speaking situations where he is called pastor for reasons other than the jokes he tells.

The PearlyGates Newsletter is a ministry of Pastor Tim and Cybersalt.

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