"There is no private Christianity. To be a Christian is to be in relationship."
- E. Radner
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"Perhaps the greatest dilemma of the pastor - or any Christian leader - is the danger of hypocrisy.
By this I mean that, unlike other professionals, we as ministers are expected to proclaim God’s goodness and to provide encouragement at all times. We are always pointing people toward God in one way or another, in order to show them his worth and beauty. That’s the essence of our ministry.
But seldom will our hearts be in a condition to say such a thing with complete integrity, since our own hearts are often in need of encouragement, gospel centeredness, and genuine gladness.
Thus, we have two choices: either we have to guard our hearts continually in order to practice what we are preaching, or we live bifurcated lives of outward ministry and inward gloominess.
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"I’m not afraid of failure; I’m afraid of succeeding at things that don’t matter."
- William Carey
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*Gifts that Don't Cost a Cent*
1 THE GIFT OF LISTENING - But you must REALLY listen. No interrupting, no daydreaming, no planning your response. Just listening.
2 THE GIFT OF AFFECTION - Be generous with appropriate hugs, kisses, pats on the back and handholds. Let these small actions demonstrate the love you have for family and friends.
3 THE GIFT OF LAUGHTER - Clip cartoons. Share articles and funny stories. Your gift will say, "I love to laugh with you."
4 THE GIFT OF A WRITTEN NOTE - It can be a simple "Thanks for the help" note or a full sonnet. A brief, handwritten note may be remembered for a lifetime, and may even change a life.
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"Instead of saying, 'This too shall pass.....' to a mom who is clearly losing it, maybe we could make her dinner, babysit her kids, or clean her house?"
Videos Article Count: 47
Illustrations Article Count: 1198
Featured Illustration items are well suited for introducing or illuminating a point in a sermon, speech, or devotional. Funny, moving, or perhaps even graphic, the point of them is the point you make with them.
Quotes Article Count: 2320
Our collection of inspiring quotes.
Sermons Article Count: 523
Christmas Article Count: 40
Easter Article Count: 14
Ten Commandments Article Count: 10
Thanksgiving Article Count: 12
Truth and Reconciliation Article Count: 10
A discussion about Truth and Reconciliation with two members of the Wiikwemkoong First Nation, and a member and Chief of the Aundeck Omni Kaning First Nation.
To find and watch other parts of this video series, visit the playlist at: