Our collection of inspiring quotes.
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"The mystery of the humanity of Christ, that He sunk Himself into our flesh, is beyond all human understanding."
- Martin Luther, Table Talk
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"Chocolate is a perfect food, as wholesome as it is delicious, a beneficent restorer of exhausted power. It is the best friend of those engaged in literary pursuits."
-Baron Justus von Liebig (1803-1873) German chemist
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"Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are."
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"Have you ever had the experience of parking in a one-hour zone, inserting the coins, than finding yourself, forty-five minutes later, still in line at the bank? At such times, you might suddenly find religion, and fervently pray that you will make your m
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"Advent, like its cousin Lent, is a season for prayer and reformation of our hearts. Since it comes at winter time, fire is a fitting sign to help us celebrate Advent…If Christ is to come more fully into our lives this Christmas, if God is to become reall