A Hurting Word...

Salt and pepper...ham and eggs...bread and butter...pain and peace? No way! If you've ever known emotional pain, then you know there's certainly no peace in it! True--but it can lead to peace--His peace--if you will hear His healing Word today!

 A Helping Word...or Two!

Letters arrive in my mailbox from around the world, from people in pain--the pains of anger, doubt, despair, loneliness. It is those letters, and a nudge from the Lord, that bring me to introduce a new weekly devotional at "Peggie's Place!" - "Words From the Well." Of course, I don't have answers for a multitude of problems--wish I did! But I do know Someone Who does. I know Someone Who stretches His hand to you today, and says, "Bring those pains to Me. Let them go--and, to the extent that you empty that "well of pain," to that extent, I will fill it--with MY peace!"

He IS our peace--the original message of the angels, "Peace on earth, goodwill to men," announcing the birth of our Savior, is still valid! He will bring peace to your painful world as you release the pain to Him. BUT you must first release it--and that's tough. We enjoy nursing our wounds, feeding our miseries, hanging on to our hangups, and as long as we do, we allow no room for His Peace.

I don't know about you, but I'm tired of trying to deal with pain by myself. And I don't need to--when I finally "let it go," and release it to Him, His peace floods my soul. I know--I've been there, and it works! Do you dare to try it today? I hope so. Let the peace of God fill your heart this day--He 's waiting at the well for YOU!

And that's just a word...or two, from my heart to yours!

His Healing Word

"And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:7 KJV).

"Lord, the pain is deep, and I can handle it no longer. I'm doing what I should have done a long time ago--I'm giving it to YOU! Fill me up with Your peace, Your love, and Your joy. I receive it today--in the Name of Jesus Christ, my Savior and Lord. Amen."

 All Scriptures are taken from the King James Version of the Holy Bible.

Copyright 2004 by Peggie C. Bohanon, Springfield, Mo. Used by permission.
Visit "The Devotional Buffet" for more: http://www.peggiesplace.com/buffet.htm
Created at Peggie's Place: http://www.peggiesplace.com,
"the most fun Christian home on the Web."