"From henceforth thou shalt catch men." Luke 5:10      

Simon Peter was a fisherman by profession. Night after night he plied his humble trade on the Sea of Galilee, supporting himself. One night, the memory of which must have stayed with him a long time, he with his companions, James and John, had taken nothing. They rowed up and down the narrow beach of the lake, letting down their nets and drawing them up again, but with no success. It was a night of fruitless toil. The next morning they met Jesus on the shore. He borrowed their boat for a pulpit and after the sermon told the disciples to row out into the deep and let down their nets for a draft of fishes. Though conditions were unfavorable, yet they enclosed a multitude of fish. Peter was so astonished that he said to Jesus, "Depart from me; for I am a sinful man, O LORD." But Jesus told him that he was no longer to be a fisherman, but a fisher of men.      

No matter what our occupation on earth may be, whether humble or prominent, whether prosperous or unsuccessful, we Christians are also and above all fishers of men. We are to go out and preach the Gospel to every creature, by personal testimony, and by our liberal support of missions. Even though the circumstances seem unfavorable, nevertheless God fills our nets with a multitude of immortal souls. At times our labors seem fruitless, there are no visible results. Yet we have God's promise that His Word shall not return void.      

Christian friends, If we're to experience the joy of catching people for Christ, we must go out among them and sincerely befriend them. But as important as witnessing is, don't be a friend just to witness; rather, witness because you are a friend. "People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care."  

Lead me to some soul today                                                                                                    O teach me, LORD, just what to say                                                                  Friends of mine are lost in sin                                                                                         And cannot find their way.  

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY - You won't find opportunities to witness if you're not looking for them.