"Finally, brethern, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. Phil. 4:8      

Our human minds are seldom a total blank. They are filled with thoughts about persons, events, and ideas. Often our minds are drawn to thoughts of evil. To help fix  our minds on God and on His gifts, St. Paul outlines a plan of meditation. He lists good things of God worthy of our thoughts.      

God reveals whatever is true. He is right, and in Christ Jesus He gives us the truth about Himself. He reveals what is worthy of reverence and exposes the superficial pretense of human pride.      

In God we know justice and intergrity. The purity of life is reflected in the sinless Christ. The gifts of God are all worthy of our love, and they call forth our praise. God makes us aware of these gifts through His Word. When we fix our minds on Him and His Word, He acts to fill us with His thoughts and desires. We then respond in joyful adoration. When we fail to mediate on God, the jungle of undisciplined desire grows again. But the joy of life returns when we think on the good and lovely gifts of God.      

Christian friends,  Let us use the text as our guide. Let's resolve to purify our thoughts. Let's talk to ourselves about things that are true, noble, just, pure, lovely, of good report, virturous, and worthy of praise.  

Lord, saturate my thoughts with truth,                                                                 And let Your Word in me abide;                                                                                While thinking on the pure and good,                                                                    May my whole life be edified.  

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY - To become Christlike, fill your mind with Christlike thoughts.