"Look out for the dogs, look out for the evil-workers, look out for those who mutilate the flesh. For we are the true circumcision, who worship God in spirit and glory in Christ Jesus. Phil. 3:2,3     

Paul knew the need of being on guard. He repeats his instructions to the Philippians, as a teacher repeats his lesson. He urges them to be on guard against those who trust in their own works. Some hoped for salvation by keeping the law of circumcision. He urges Christians to be on guard, for this is mutilating the flesh to no purpose. It opposes the Gospel of Christ, who gave Himself into death and offers forgiveness as a gift. Christians are the "true circumcision," the people of God's covenant through faith in Christ.     

God reminds us to be on guard duty. Too many believe in man and his good works. Pride in human effort is ready to destroy the grace of Christ. We are tempted to fall in line with community culture and society standards, missing the clear claim of Jesus Christ.     

Christian friends, We are to find joy in daily guard duty for Christ.  

LORD, when I'm lifting up Your name,                                                                                       I'll gladly bear reproach for You;                                                                                                But never let me bring You shame                                                                                                By anything I say or do.  

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY - Some people who think they are bearing a cross are only paying for their mistakes.