"I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." Phil. 3:14     

The new doors at the entrance of the hospital say,"Caution! This is an automatic door." It is necessary for the older people and handy-i-capped.     

There is no automatic door to the prize in the Christian race of life. St. Paul uses the comparison of a race. It was customary to set the prize at the point where the race was to end. The sight of the prize moved the runners to strain every muscle for their one object.    

The prize for Christians is the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. This includes complete maturity in the risen LORD. It refers to the eternal life of joy in the presence of God. For this goal, Paul strains every nerve on the course of life.     

With eyes on the goal, the runner forgets what is behind and looks ahead in the stress of the race. The Christian runner is not distracted and does not look for an easy way or antomatic wonder. He faces the work of every day and goes straight forward in a single lane to serve God and to press on toward the fulfillment of the upward call.       

Christian friends, When life's race gets you down, remember, the greatest incentive you as a Christian have is awaiting you at the finish line, seeing Christ face-to-face and sharing in His eternal glory! Keep that prize in mind, and you'll keep going.  

For every follower of Christ                                                                                         There is a race to run;                                                                                                            And when we cross the finish line,                                                                            We'll be with Christ, God's Son.  

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY - Our joy is in starining toward the goal of this upward call against the downward drag of life.