"What has happened to me has really served to advance the Gospel. Phil. 1:12 continued.     

When Paul was put in prison, many shook their heads in dismay. "Now his missionary work is over," they would say. But Paul found joy in his affliction. His prison sentence became another way to advance the Gospel. It caused people to talk about Paul and his work for Christ. Some asked, "Why would Paul rish his life for Christ? Who is this Christ anyway?"     

In this way many heard of Christ crucified and rose again. Paul gave witness to prison guards and the Roman officials. His life in prison opened the door to people he might not have reached in any other way. Many Christians became more confident through the courage of Paul as he faced his prison term.      

Christian friends, Every affliction provides us with another window through which the joy of God's love can shine. Every disappointment and problem becomes an opportunity for us Christians. Will we accept them? Or will we resent God's hand interrupting the plan of our lives.We may not choose the trials of our life. God gives them to us. Each burden in life becomes a way of serving God. With Paul we can say, "What happened to me has really served to advance the Gospel.  

Our God works to transform us                                                                                       Till life on earth is done;                                                                                                         He uses trials and testings                                                                                                      To make us like His Son.  

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY - God can transform a tragedy into a triumph.