"Except the LORD build the house, they labor in vain that build it; except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain. Psalm 127:1     

Treaties have been made, federations formed to protect the nations and maintaining peace. But stone walls, bombers, missiles do not protect the nations as long as the hearts of men are desperately wicked. God alone is our Refuge and Strength.    

The greatest defense if righteousness. The nation which gives reverence to God and walks in obedience to His commandments has the best protection in the world.     

Christian friends, If we do not want to eat our bread in sorrow, then we must live loyally in God's presence and serve Him with all our heart and in sincerity. If we build bigger and bigger to show how rich we are, how unlimited our resources, how strong our defense; if pride and self-praise is the motive, then all is vain, for unless the LORD keep the city and the nation, all our alerts will come to naught.  

Life is wasted, useless, and of no avail                                                              Unless we're living daily for the LORD;                                                                 Let's pledge ourselves anew to living godly,                                           Anything less we simply can't afford.  

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY - God always gives His best to those who leave the choice with Him.