"It is my prayer that your love may abound more and more. Phil. 1:9-11     

It has been my joy in observing the spiritual growth in other people. Paul prays that love may bound more and more. In 1 Cor. 13 he portrays love as the greatest gift. This is the unmerited love of God given to mankind in the life and death of Jesus Christ. We grow in love to God and in love to people as we respond to the love God gives us in Christ. Another joy of growing in love is to see Christian people become concerned for others.     

This love is more than an easygoing tolerance of all things. Growth in love brings discernment in the things of God and of evil. Love fastens on God and works toward His glory.     

Another joy is to see love in action, producing the fruits of righteousness in fellow members of the body of Christ. The evil heart tempts us to become envious of active Christians. We may accuse them of pride and pretense. The heart of a Christian joins Paul in the joy of seeing love abound in children of God throughout the world. We need this accent of joy in spiritual growth in our world of cold competition.     

Paul prayed for the Philippian believers, that their love would abound more and more in knowledge and all discernment.     

Christian friends, Let's pray the same for ourselves. God's Spirit challenges us. Let us live each day so that others will know - we are real!  

I want to scale the utmost height                                                                                And catch a gleam of glory bright;                                                                              But still I'll pray till heaven I've found,                                                          "LORD, lead me on to higher ground."  

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY  - Our limited vision needs continual revision.