"This is the day the LORD hath made let us rejoice and be glad in it."
Isaiah 66:10-14
Gal. 6:10-16
Luke 10:1-9,16
Psalm 19
As you drive through the country side you will see endless rows of ripening corn, beans in mid growth and golden wheat fields being harvested. These fields wait for laborers to gather in their abundant gifts. But it will al come to nothing unless there are workers to go into those fields.
As Jesus passed through the countryside and cities of His day, He saw a vast harvest of people ripe for the good news. In response to their great need for healing and hope, He sent out . . .

"This is the day the LORD hath made let us rejoice and be glad in it."
Isaiah 66:10-14
Gal. 6:10-16
Luke 10:1-9,16
Psalm 19
As you drive through the country side you will see endless rows of ripening corn, beans in mid growth and golden wheat fields being harvested. These fields wait for laborers to gather in their abundant gifts. But it will al come to nothing unless there are workers to go into those fields.
As Jesus passed through the countryside and cities of His day, He saw a vast harvest of people ripe for the good news. In response to their great need for healing and hope, He sent out 72 missionaries as laborers in God's harvest. They were called to heal the sick and proclaim the good news that "the kingdom of God has come near." Later, the church would send out many more laborers to announce the reign of God.
The harvest remains as plentiful today as it was in the early days of the church. People everywhere are yearning for peace, health, and hope. Gathered around the word and meal, the people of God are nourished with the wheat of the field and the fruit of the vine before being sent out to labor amid the world.
Christian friends, while the need for faithful laborers is as urgent as ever, God promises strength to each of us as we go out to care for creation, heal the sick and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ to people everywhere.  Go in peace and serve the LORD and give thanks to God.
      Go in the power the LORD will provide you,
      Led by the Spirit each day;
      You cannot fail on the mission He sends you
      Go the, no longer delay.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY - If faith in Christ is worth having, it's worth sharing.