Isaiah 63:7-9
Galatians 4:4-7
Matthew 2:13-15, 19-23
Psalm 111
Matthew's passage invites us to rejoice in God's abiity to ensure the successful establishment of His King in Zion, and to carry His kingdom and its benefits to completion. It also invites us soberly to identify inside ourselves that natue, exhibited unchecked in Herod, which rejects Christ's lordship and seeks to retain mastery over our own lives. The king named Jesus, Savior, came to bring us forgiveness for that determinatin to be our own gods, which is the essence of sin. Christmas is not just a pleasant break . . .

Isaiah 63:7-9
Galatians 4:4-7
Matthew 2:13-15, 19-23
Psalm 111
Matthew's passage invites us to rejoice in God's abiity to ensure the successful establishment of His King in Zion, and to carry His kingdom and its benefits to completion. It also invites us soberly to identify inside ourselves that natue, exhibited unchecked in Herod, which rejects Christ's lordship and seeks to retain mastery over our own lives. The king named Jesus, Savior, came to bring us forgiveness for that determinatin to be our own gods, which is the essence of sin. Christmas is not just a pleasant break in the gloom of winter; it is the celebration of the birth of a child who has come to take over our lives. Who is going to be King? Christ or Herod? Christ or I? Every day we make dozens of decisions which either acknowledge Christ's lordship or which assert our own. The star of the Magi reminds the Christian that he has a gracious king to whom he can, by the aid of the Holy Spirit, submit his will and live. By His Word Christ desires to reign in our hearts through faith.
Christian friends, We gaze forward to a new land, just as Mary and Joseph did, as we await the start of the new year. It can be daunting to face such a vast, unknown territory all at once. No one can predict what will happen to us, our families, or our world in this coming year. Change seems always to be part of the picture. Will we make this next year's journey safely? We are given the same reassurance the angel offered Joseph and Mary. Our God travels with us and watches over us.
Though I know not what awaits me-
What the future has in store,
Yet I know that God is faithful,
For I've proved Him oft before.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY - We can trust our all-knowing God for the unknown future.