"This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and cures. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the LORD your God, listen to His voice, and hold fast to Him. For the LORD is your life, and He will give you many years in the land He swore to give to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Deut. 30:19,20        One of things in our modern world of which we have no shortage at all is words. They pour out on us from every loud-speaker, every piece of print, and every sign along the road. Let us thank God for this wonderful gift to man and gladly admit that much good does come from the words of men.      But we need more than this. When we are setting our on a journey, as we are in this new year, we want to be sure that the way we are taking is the right one and that it will lead us to our goal.      Our heavenly Father has promised us His steadfast love. He has given us His own Son to live in our lives, to be our Emmanuel, or "God with us." He has given us His Word. It doesn't have to be imported or brought from outer space. It is here, in our mouths and hearts, the Word which tells us what God has done for us. The roads still part; the one means life, the other death. But our God says to us, "This means life to you." This Word is our sure guide in the days which lie before us. No winds and storms of life can change it. It abides forever.      Christian friends, God doesn't force His will on anyone. He lets us decide whether to follow Him or reject Him. This decision, however, is a life or death matter. God wants us to realize this, for He would like us all to choose life. Daily, in each new situation, we must affirm and reinforce this commitment.   The choice we make determines our Eternal destination; One leads to everlasting life; The other, condemnation.   THOUGHT FOR THE DAY - The choice you make today will determine your tomorrow.  Click on the link below and enjoy -- http://wandascountryhome.com/leave/index.html