'The Day After Tomorrow' movie is a highly entertaining collection of disasters, and its visual effects are a roller coaster ride of ruin and mayhem. One reviewer thought the movie might have been designed by some kids writing their 'wish list' of destruction scenes they'd like to see. Another reviewer said, "This movie is to climate science as Frankenstein is to heart surgery."

Tornadoes roam the streets of major cities around America, enormous cracks appear in the poles, tidal waves the size of mountains roll in from the sea and snap freezing entombs millions - though strangely enough the frost moves at just the right speed to enable the heroes to outrun it - just like good old fashioned monster movies.

But it has to be said that behind all the fun and frolic is a supposedly serious message about our environment. Many scientists seriously believe the world is heading for a new ice age, which will include several 'hypercanes', expected to blow up from the Arctic in all-engulfing freezing vengeance and all the usual disasters - as depicted in the movie. The prophets of environmental doom predict these things in the not too distant future, and the blame, they say, is mainly ours. Too much burning of fossil fuels, too many CFCs released into the atmosphere, too many forests removed, too much warm water from Nuclear power plants . . . yes, its all Man's fault.

A few years ago a book came out called 'The Skeptical Environmentalist' in which a statistician looked at . . .

'The Day After Tomorrow' movie is a highly entertaining collection of disasters, and its visual effects are a roller coaster ride of ruin and mayhem. One reviewer thought the movie might have been designed by some kids writing their 'wish list' of destruction scenes they'd like to see. Another reviewer said, "This movie is to climate science as Frankenstein is to heart surgery."

Tornadoes roam the streets of major cities around America, enormous cracks appear in the poles, tidal waves the size of mountains roll in from the sea and snap freezing entombs millions - though strangely enough the frost moves at just the right speed to enable the heroes to outrun it - just like good old fashioned monster movies.

But it has to be said that behind all the fun and frolic is a supposedly serious message about our environment. Many scientists seriously believe the world is heading for a new ice age, which will include several 'hypercanes', expected to blow up from the Arctic in all-engulfing freezing vengeance and all the usual disasters - as depicted in the movie. The prophets of environmental doom predict these things in the not too distant future, and the blame, they say, is mainly ours. Too much burning of fossil fuels, too many CFCs released into the atmosphere, too many forests removed, too much warm water from Nuclear power plants . . . yes, its all Man's fault.

A few years ago a book came out called 'The Skeptical Environmentalist' in which a statistician looked at the public domain data on such things as trends in . . well, basically in all the areas where environmentalists are predicting doom. The result was a total refutation of every single trend. The truth is, according to freely available information, everything is getting better and better. Obviously such a book would not be welcome on the set of 'The Day After Tomorrow'!

Another problem which doomsayers need to deal with is the fact that around the year 1000 there was a global warming effect which had nothing to do with Man.

The Bible describes many major natural disasters on this planet, but none of them were caused directly by Man, unless you want to include fires and bursting dams, oil slicks and chemical accidents. The disasters which the Bible records were far bigger. One was the fall Man. When Adam and Eve sinned. As a result of this God brought in some drastic changes . . . animals which normally ate plants now began to eat meat. Plants which were safe and harmless began to grow spines and poisons. This state of degeneration went on for over a thousand years until about 1300 AC (After Creation) when an even bigger disaster struck.

A global flood, which Noah and his family, with some representatives of land animals survived, was sent by a good God on a wicked planet. After the flood came an ice age, and then began the droughts and famines which the world is so accustomed to.

Environmental scientists will insist on talking about an 'ice age' as depicted in the movie, as an event triggered by very cold air coming from the poles, or high altitude air (maybe minus 150 degrees) being drawn down, but this would not produce an ice age - all this would cause is a 'frozen Earth' age.

What conditions would you need to have an ice age? First, you would need a great deal more snowfall than we currently experience. Snow would have to fall steadily and freeze, and then slowly build up and compact down to form ice. In order to get these conditions you would need to increase evaporation from the oceans and precipitation over the land. In order to increase evaporation you would need to warm the oceans. How could that be done?

To warm the oceans perhaps a solar flare would help? No, that would not provide the cooling effect needed to cause rain, and the heat would dry and warm the land - a self-defeating cycle. How about removing clouds, so heat could be lost more rapidly to space? No, that would simply cool the Earth. It would not provide a mechanism for increasing evaporation. The only other option would be to release heat from the interior of the Earth itself.

The Bible says that during the flood the water came up from the interior of the planet - hot water no doubt, and volcanoes would also have contributed their share, so warmer oceans existed for perhaps 300 years after the flood, before the oceans cooled again - sufficient time for an ice age. We can therefore be assured that 'The Day After Tomorrow' can never happen, because God has promised never to flood the Earth ever again - Genesis 9:11 - and the movie exists to remind us of the folly of trying to outthink God's Word.

Richard Gunther, Copyright 2006