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Meeting Singles Online

(First - A Little Note From Pastor Tim)

Hi! You've come to this page after clicking on an ad promoting a site for
meeting Christian Singles OnLine.

For some time I avoided running ads for such sites because I couldn't approve of them. One charged an arm and a leg (offering me the knee down as a commission) and made great and grand promises that I felt were just aimed at taking advantage of people who were seeking a Christian relationship. Another site seemed to be pretty detailed but it obviously was using Christianity as just an angle on making money.

Over time, however, I've become aware of some good sites.

The three sites promoted below strike me as being balanced, reasonably priced, and interactive. They also have what I think are reasonable membership packages and costs and both feature a free membership so you can check them out..

As a pastor, I want to pass along a little counsel before you click through to the site though:

1. As in all online activities, beware of people who aren't who they say they are. I think the risk of this is lowered on a pay for service site, but still, be careful of making yourself too vulnerable too soon. I made this very clear to my church of 2000 just this past week.
2. Before you enter into a relationship, make sure you've got a grip on what the Bible teaches about relationships. A lot of people, fearing lifelong loneliness, think they've got to get someone and then they'll do the best they can with who they've found. In seeking companionship, make sure you put God first. I've never counselled a marriage in trouble that was expected to be that way at the beginning.
3. Don't seek out a relationship with the expectation that it will be the solution to all of your problems. Can meeting the right person change your life? Of course - it better! Adam needed Eve and Eve was made needing Adam. But then they weren't everything they needed in eachother's life were they?

OK, I know you didn't click for a sermon, but please know I care and that I desire God's best for your life. The links below will take you to each respective site to investigate more.
God bless and guide you.

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