!!!Warning!!! These are amongst the worst puns I have ever sent out on the CleanPun list. Admittedly though, they are in a style that some love so if the first couple don't do it for you - just stop because it isn't going to get better!

Q. Why does a tiger have stripes?

A. So he won't be spotted.

Q. What do you call a cat who does tricks?

A. A magic kit.

Q. What kind of work does a weak cat do?

A. Light mouse work.

Q. Why did the mother cat put stamps on her kittens?

A. Because she wanted to mail a litter.

Q. Which state has a lot of dogs and cats?

A. Petsylvania.

Q. Which game did the cat want to play with the mouse?

A. Catch.

Q. What do English cats drink in the afternoon?

A. Kit-tea.

Q. Where did the kittens go on their class trip?

A. To a mewseum.

Q. How do you call a barber cat?

A. Yell..."Hair Kitty!"