old manWhen my son was around 4 years old, we went to the local drug store one afternoon. While in the check out he noticed a bald-headed man behind us in line. I had, as good moms do, been teaching him manners, especially how important they are when in public. I noticed the man the same time my son did and just prayed that he would remember what I had taught him.

Within seconds, at an unusually quiet moment in the store, my son proclaimed, "Look mama, that man ain't got no hair!" The man was understanding, and even smiled at my son.

Next, without warning, my son shouted, "And look, he ain't got no teeth either!!"

I couldn't get out of there fast enough. To make matters more awkward yet, while we were in the parking lot the man walked over and spoke very kindly to my son. He reached into his pocket, pulled out his false teeth, and said, "I do have my teeth, I just haven't brushed yet."

My son has never had a cavity and he is now twenty years old. I guess some lessons are learned in the oddest ways.