Oh look, Chicken Thursday!

flapping birdI had a major win at work this week! There was something I needed to learn to do in order to get one web server to transfer 500 gigabytes of files to another web server, with both web servers being who knows where in the world, lol. The actual "how" to do it was really bending my brain and then I realized that one of my team might be better suited for that. So I left it with one of my employees (who is 30 years younger than me) and he figure it out and showed me how to do it.

The major win for me is not that the problem was figured out and the data is being transferred. It is that I am learning to get out of the way and let others do things they are better at than me in my business. I can't spend/hire my way out of all my problems, but it sure is nice that I can with some of them!

Today's video share shows a cool effect when a bird's wings flapping in synced with a security camera's frame rate.
You can watch the video here.

 Enjoy the rest of today's mailing.

~ Pastor Tim