Oh look, Chicken Thursday!

some colors will kill youNice weather has returned to Cybersalt World Headquarters - I just have to remember to get out of the house to enjoy some of it. The other day I opened the front door of our house to check the mailbox and when I did so I heard the house alarm start beeping it's countdown to going off. Apparently neither Grandma Cybersalt nor I had been out of the house yet that day - and it was 4:00pm! I suppose that is one of the perils of us both working at home - that and having a gold medal in staying at home during COVID!

Don't be alarmed by the title of Today's video share: "Some Colors will Kill You." None of them can kill you if you are only looking at them via video!
Click here to watch the video.

Enjoy the rest of today's mailing!

~ Pastor Tim