Monthly Archive

February 2012

Welcome to our Archives page. On this page you will find a total of 58 of our articles broken down into Months and Years.
Moving With God
Alyssa Davis
2 min read


During the sermon this week, while the pastor was making a very good point about why praying in Jesus' name involves submitting to God's will, he made an unfortunate side-comment about marriage. It w read more..

Cybersalt News
Pastor Tim

Cybersalt News - February 14, 2012

Hey look - it's me again!  Where have I been?  All I can say is that I really am a pastor (as much as some of you may wonder) and sometimes church happens.  Hopefully my absence ha... read more..

God's Penman
Rev. James L. Snyder
4 min read

It All Began with a Love Note

Forty-one years ago, I was a naïve 19-year-old just beginning life's journey. I do not like to brag but I was the poster child for naïveté. I had a few ideas about life but too few to make me a contri... read more..

Pastor Tim
2 min read

Tell the Secret

A woman named Vicki once knew a young person at church named Betty. Betty always seemed effervescent and happy, although Vicki knew she had faced struggles in her life. Her long-awaited marriage had q... read more..

Pastor Tim

One-liner #0822

“Poets have been mysteriously silent on the subject of cheese.”- G.K. Chesterton... read more..

Pastor Tim

Quote #1272

"Life is full of commitments: Even when you are born there is a string attached." read more..

Clean Puns
Pastor Tim

Matching Belt and Bag

"Buying your wife a matching belt and bag for Valentines Day is NOT a good idea if they fit the vacuum cleaner." read more..

Pastor Tim

J.C. Penney Doghouse Commercials

Buying your wife a nice gift is not the secret to happiness, so please don't think we're endorsing the commercialism of these commercials.  Still, though, they are pretty funny - right guys? ... read more..

Pastor Tim

Happy Valentine's Day, Samson and Delilah

Unless you are having a nightmare, Samson and Delilah are not the model relationship everyone dreams of.  Still, their story provides key lessons on how men and women can find better success in t... read more..

Moving With God
Alyssa Davis
2 min read

Three Things Thursday [Vol.4]

Things that save me so much time and stress:1. Not watching TV.Oh man do I not miss cable - even when we had it for free! There was always something on, and I'd watch it whether I was actually intere read more..

Moving With God
Alyssa Davis
4 min read

God's Parenting and Punishment

Beth at Red and Honey wrote a beautiful piece yesterday on her parenting philosophy that sparked a bunch of ideas in my mind. I love Beth's writing because I feel like even though we are different pe read more..

Moving With God
Alyssa Davis
2 min read

Moving with God

It keeps happening to me that when I least want to take time to spend with God, pushing through and doing it is most rewarding. Suffice it to say that I had a good ol' chat with God this evening, and ... read more..

Pastor Tim

When You Are Lost

When you are lost and all alone remember that God sees you. Listen Online: {audio}podcast/sm20120205.mp3{/audio} Download {audio}podcast/sm20120205.mp3{/audio}   ... read more..

Pastor Tim

Quote #1271

"Every evening I turn my worries over to God.  He's going to be up all night anyway."- Mary C. Crowley  read more..

Cybersalt News
Pastor Tim

Cybersalt News - February 3, 2012

Yesterday was groundhog day.  I bet they don't really appreciate being woken up and all the handling and attention they get.  Here's on that isn't going to take any more for sure:www.cybersa... read more..

Funny Pictures
Pastor Tim

Walrus Head On Man

This was not the souvenir Harold was thinking of bringing back from the zoo. ... read more..

Funny Pictures
Pastor Tim

A Flooded Venice Supermarket

Locals loved the ambiance of the Venice Market. ... read more..

Funny Pictures
Pastor Tim

Fireman Sitting In Lawn Chair

It soon became clear that Smallville's new fire chief lied about having a "type-a" personality. ... read more..

Funny Pictures
Pastor Tim

Funny Pictures
Pastor Tim

Mutant Mom

Kenny couldn't get away with anything with his mom around. ... read more..

Pastor Tim

One-liner #0821

"The depressing thing about tennis is that no matter how good I get, I'll never be as good as a wall."- Mitch Hedberg read more..

Clean Puns
Pastor Tim

Brown Paper

A sheriff walks into a saloon and shouts for everyone's attention. "Has anyone seen Brown Paper Jake?" he asks. "What's he look like?" asks one shoddy-looking cowboy. "Well", replies the Sheriff, "h... read more..

Pastor Tim

Possessions, Wealth

Two elderly gentlemen met up on the way to the funeral of one of their longtime buddies. The deceased was thought to have accumulated much wealth. On the way to the cemetery, one old fellow asked the... read more..

Pastor Tim

Quote #1270

"A hypocrite is someone who complains that there is too much sex and violence on his DVD." read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Passed Note

A nearsighted minister glanced at the note that Mrs. Jones had sent to him by an usher. The note read: "Bill Jones having gone to sea, his wife desires the prayers of the congregation for his safety.... read more..

Funny Car Pictures
Pastor Tim

Ice Covered Car

On the plus side, nobody can steal it! ... read more..

Moving With God
Alyssa Davis
2 min read

Phase 3/Off the Wagon

In case you were wondering how things are going on the Maker's Diet, it really depends. If you are a stickler, things are going medium-not-too-bad. If you are a free spirit, things are going great! Be... read more..

Cybersalt News
Pastor Tim

Cybersalt News - February 1, 2012

Happy February everyone.  I've got good news for you!  Many of you were so good in January that you've been given an extra day this month.  The rest of us are going to tag along fo... read more..

Results 31 - 58 of 58