Monthly Archive


Welcome to our Archives page. On this page you will find a total of 757 of our articles broken down into Months and Years.
Clean Puns
Pastor Tim

Irish Toast

A guy and a girl are having a drink together. The man raises his glass and says, "Here's hoping you're in Heaven ten minutes before the devil knows you're dead!" "What's that mean?" asks the girl. "... read more..

Pastor Tim

An Irish Friendship Blessing

May there always be work for your hands to do; May your purse always hold a coin or two; May the sun always shine on your windowpane; May a rainbow be certain to follow each rain; May the hand of ... read more..

Funny Car Pictures
Pastor Tim

Jeep Kitchen

I said I wanted a "CHEAP" kitchen. ... read more..

Pearly Gates Jokes
Pastor Tim

One Question Too Far

A defense attorney was cross-examining a police officer during a felony trial--it went like this: Q: Officer, did you see my client fleeing the scene?A: No sir, but I subsequently observed a person m... read more..

Pastor Tim

Noah - Hall of Faith

Noah is an example of faith because he responded devoutly to God's personal and intimate revelation. Listen Online: {audio}podcast/sm20170312.mp3{/audio} read more..

Cybersalt News
Pastor Tim

Cybersalt News - March 12, 2017

Sunday greetings everyone. Today, Rev. James Snyder is musing about the difference between hearing and listening. You can read more in "Hearing and Listening Are Not Necessarily the Same" at:www.cybe... read more..

Susan Davis

One-liner #1172

Deep thoughts of the day: when you clean out a vacuum cleaner, you become a vacuum cleaner.... read more..

God's Penman
Rev. James L. Snyder

Hearing and Listening Are Not Necessarily the Same

As big as my ears are, you would think I would be able to hear everything I am listening to. I like to think I am hearing what I am listening to but I have so many illustrations that prove otherwise.... read more..

Clean Jokes

Meeting With Teacher

Miss Smith and Little Johnny's father were having a parent teacher conference. Miss Smith said to Little Johnny's father, "Well, at least there's one thing I can say about your son." Little Johnny's... read more..

Clean Puns
Susan Davis

Brought To You by the Letter "S"

Bert: "Say, Ernie, would you like some ice-cream?" Ernie: "Sherbert."... read more..

Susan Davis

Quote #1620

"The history of every temptation, and of every sin, is the same; the outward object of attraction, the inward commotion of mind, the increase and triumph of passionate desires, ending in the degrada read more..

Pastor Tim

And God Said "No"

I asked God to take away my pride,And God said, "No."He said it was not for Him to take away,But for me to give up. I asked God to make my handicapped child whole,And God said, "No."He said her spiri... read more..

Pastor Tim

Bring your work to kids day

We used to celebrate "bring your kid to work day" but thanks to the internet and telecommuting we can now celebrate "bring your work to kids day!" ... read more..

Cybersalt News
Pastor Tim

Cybersalt News - March 9, 2017

Oh look, Chicken Thursday! There is a new Funny Sign on the Cybersalt Site today. If you are on vacation, need a place to say, but don't care about actually falling asleep, have we got a motel recomm... read more..

Funny Signs
Pastor Tim

Clown Motel

Because who wants to sleep when they check into a hotel? ... read more..

Pearly Gates Jokes
Pastor Tim

Diet Woes

A dietitian was once addressing a large audience in Chicago. "The material we put into our stomachs is enough to have killed most of us sitting here, years ago. Red meat is awful. Soft drinks erode y... read more..

Clean Puns
Susan Davis

Night-time Discovery

I stayed up all night to see where the sun went. Then it dawned on me.... read more..

Susan Davis

Quote #1619

"If you will sacrifice for the sake of money, but will not sacrifice for the sake of Jesus, don't deceive yourself: money is your god." - David Guzik read more..

Susan Davis

One-liner #1171

I don't run, and if you ever see me running, you should run too because something is probably chasing me.... read more..

Pastor Tim


There was a kid taking a Statistics Class in college (STT101). He finished his exam in half the time allotted, and the rest of the time he sat and flipped a coin. The teacher asked what he was doing ... read more..

Clean Jokes

Smart As A Brick

While a friend and I were visiting Annapolis, we noticed several students on their hands and knees assessing the courtyard with pencils and clipboards in hand. "What are they doing?" I asked our tour... read more..

Pastor Tim

Abel and Enoch - Hall of Faith

God commended Abel and Enoch for giving Him what he wanted and for walking with Him. They are examples of faith we can model our lives after. Listen Online: {audio}podcast/sm20170305.mp3{/audio} read more..

Cybersalt News
Pastor Tim

Cybersalt News - March 5, 2017

Sunday greetings everyone. Rev. James Snyder is confused about daylight saving time. You can read more about that in "Where in the World Does Time Go?" read more..

Clean Puns
Susan Davis

Two-Wheel Woes

"I hate being half bicycle - half motorcycle," he moped. read more..

Susan Davis

Quote #1618

"If you don't feel pain, you won't feel anything else." - Gillian Rose, in her unfinished Paradiso read more..

Susan Davis

One-liner #1170

I am really bad at measuring pasta, so if you and 79 of your friends want spaghetti, come on over!... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Some Wacky Definitions

EGOCENTRIC: a person who believes he is everything you know you are. MAGAZINE: bunch of printed pages that tell you what's coming in the next issue. EMERGENCY NUMBERS: police station, fire departmen... read more..

God's Penman
Rev. James L. Snyder

What Time is it Really?

When it comes to certain things, I am quite a bit confused. One thing has to do with time. What I want to know, what time is it? I do not know why time cannot be the same for everybody. After all, ev... read more..

Pastor Tim

Potluck Chips

My friend Betty is in charge of hospitality for a church planted by her son-in-law. The church is in a college area and most of the members are recent college graduates. The first year the pastor off... read more..

Cybersalt News
Pastor Tim

Cybersalt News - March 2, 2017

Oh look, Chicken Thursday! There is a new FunBlog Entry on the Cybersalt Site today. It shows that the good people at Boston Dynamics have probably never seen any of those movies where robots try to ... read more..