Monthly Archive

December 2006

Welcome to our Archives page. On this page you will find a total of 1004 of our articles broken down into Months and Years.
Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Read Carefully

My family physician told me of an incident that actually happened to him back in the early days of his practice. He said a woman brought her baby to see him, and he determined right away that the bab... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Free Will

A young couple came into the church office to fill out a pre-marriage questionnaire form. The young man, who had never talked to a pastor before, was quite nervous and the pastor tried to put him at e... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

How To Interpret Employment Ads

"Competitive Salary" - We remain competitive by paying less than our competitors. "Join Our Fast Paced Company" - We have no time to train you. "Casual Work Atmosphere" - We don't pay enough to expe read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Not Likely

In my sociology class, we were instructed to write down answers to some questions the teacher was asking."Next question," announced the instructor. "How would you like to be seen by the opposite sex?"... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Dish Shopping

When visiting her family in Los Angeles, a woman decided to explore a trendy shopping area.  After window-shopping, she entered a store with unique table displays.  Each table was laid out... read more..

Joshua Goodling
Joshua Goodling

They Just Don't Get It!

Recently in the news, I've seen several stories about people saying stuff like; "New Found Manuscript Shed's Light On Jesus Life". In one such news stories, the guy who had just publ... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Quick Thinking Clerk

There is a story about a new clerk in a supermarket.  A customer asked him if she could buy half a grapefruit.  Not knowing what to do, he excused himself to ask the manager. "Some nut out ... read more..

Cybersalt Shaker
Pastor Tim

More Than Sixty Dollars

My family and I watch TV the old fashion way - for free. Yes, thanks to the marvel of decades old hardware known as an antenna and rotor atop an old ship's mast, we enjoy 10 or 11 channels of free... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Parking Solution

A pastor of a two-church parish had to drive every Sunday morning about 4 miles from the 9:30 service at one church to the 11 o'clock at the other. He would often find the parking lot of the second ch... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Melanie is Watching

One day while driving with my then 4 year old daughter Melanie, I beeped the horn by mistake.  She turned and looked at me for an explanation. I said "I did that by accident." She replied "I ... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Rest Home Trial

Aunt Mary, a spinster of 92, had finally consented to go to a rest home, but strictly on a two-week-trial basis. Consequently, she took a small overnight case with only the bare essentials.A couple of... read more..

Peggie's Den
Peggie Bohanon

What to Wear When There's Nothing to Wear!?!

"I haven't got a thing to wear!" If you own a teen daughter, you've heard it! If you own a teen son--forget's more important!  AND fun it was for the crowd who watc read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Green Side Up

A woman wants the inside of her house painted and she calls a contractor in to help her.  They wander around the house, and she points out the colors she wants.  She says, "Now, in the livin... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Bull Healing

A farmer asked his vet to come out to check on his favorite bull who wasn't doing well at all. After checking the bull's vital signs, the vet reached in his black bag and pulled out a rather large pil... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Escaped Puppy

I live across the street from a church.  When my wife's puppy escaped from the back yard we went looking for it.  She went off in the car and I started to walk around the church calling ... read more..

Wonders of Creation

SETI - Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence Institute

What if it really happened? What if an intelligent signal was received from space, and verified as a genuine signal from another intelligent race of creatures? What if there was absolutely no mistake ... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Cake Disaster

Many years ago my just married young cousin moved into an upstairs apartment and invited some of her women friends over for the evening. She put out snacks and then came out with a cake that looked li... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Skinny Lumberjack

A large, well established, Canadian lumber camp advertised that they were looking for a good lumberjack. The very next day, a skinny little man showed up at the camp with his axe, and knocked on the ... read more..

Guest Authors
Pastor Tim

More Than An Angel

Do you believe in angels?I believe I have a guardian angel--several, perhaps. I also believe angels have visited this planet, repeatedly.Two millennia ago, the largest known visitation of angels to ea... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Romantic Switch

Although he had packed his bag for a business trip the night before, my husband planned to come home from the office before leaving. That afternoon he called to say the meeting had been canceled and o... read more..

Rev. Spence Laycock
Rev. Spence Laycock

Setting Your Mind On Things Above? Part IV

We have looked at the four Biblical views of heaven; Eden ; Hades; the Intermediate Heaven; the New Heaven and New Earth. We recognized that heaven is secured by the resurrection of Jesus Christ that ... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Playing House

A boy of three and a girl of four, were playing house one day.  They played that they were man & wife and they were going away.  As they knocked upon a neighbor's door, the little gi... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Sibling Takings

As I was dropping my son off at daycare the other day, I overheard some of the children talking about their siblings."My brother takes karate lessons," bragged one. "My sister takes gymnastics," said ... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Bump Start

About five years ago the battery in my beat-up VW Beetle had died because I left the lights on overnight.  I was in a hurry to get to work on time so I ran into the house to get my wife to give... read more..

Wonders of Creation


Not long ago some scientific papers were published on the rates at which soils were being carried away by erosion. The final tally, after all the different measurements were taken, was that, at presen... read more..

Dr. Harold McNabb
Dr. Harold McNabb

A New Covenant

Writer and preacher, Stuart Briscoe tells of a time he was in Scotland:I was in Edinburgh about a year ago speaking at Charlotte Chapel, and a delightful young lady gave her testimony. She had come ba... read more..

Pastor Tim

True Confessions

Don't be fooled about what confession really is. To share Jesus with others and help them find him, we need to have a firm grasp about what makes a true confession in God's eyes.Listen Online:... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Liberal Headlines

If Biblical Headlines were written by Today's Liberal Media------------------------------------------- On Red Sea crossing:  WETLANDS TRAMPLED IN LABOR STRIKEPursuing Environmentalists Killed O... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

How Can Any Student Pass?

It's not the fault of the student if he fails, because the year ONLY has 365 days. Typical academic year for a student:1. Sundays - 52, Sundays in a year, you know Sundays are for rest.Days left 313.2... read more..

God's Penman
Rev. James L. Snyder

The Origins Of Spring-Cleaning, Or Along Came Eve

I always know when April makes its yearly debut without consulting the calendar because my wife usually says, "Let’s clean out the garage today." Trust me on this one, it is no April f... read more..